Is the Delta variant more dangerous for children?

Is the Delta variant more dangerous for children?

Daily reports from the Ministry of Health report an increase in coronavirus infections. There are many indications that we are facing another wave of infections and the presence of the Delta variant. Is the variant more dangerous for children? We have good and bad news for you.

Coronavirus Delta variant – how is it different?

We wrote about the characteristics of the Delta variant in detail in the entry: “How dangerous is the Delta variant of coronavirus?“. Let’s recall the most important information:

  • Delta variant is a mutation of the SARS-COV-2 virus;
  • the Delta variant is more than twice as infectious, which translates into the sharp increase in the number of infections we are currently seeing;
  • despite being more infectious, it is less aggressive.

Vaccination versus delta coronavirus

Vaccines reduce the risk of contracting the Delta variant. Vector-borne vaccines from AstraZeneca and Johnsonh&Johnson provide 60% protection against delta, and Pfizer and Moderna: about 80% efficacy against Delta. Importantly, even when infected, vaccinated individuals are 90% protected against severe COVID Delta.

Most children, however, are not vaccinated – until now, only those over the age of 11 could be vaccinated. This may be changing, however. In September of this year, clinical trials of the Pfizer vaccine achieved positive tolerability results and confirmed efficacy in the age group: 5 – 11 years old. As early as November, the Drug Control Agency and the European Medicines Agency are expected to authorize protective action among children of this age. Only then will the youngest gain immunity to coronavirus.

Symptoms of delta in children

The good news is that the Delta variant is less aggressive, meaning the course of the disease is milder than with the first COVID mutation. The bad news is that COVID Delta symptoms in children and adults resemble the flu.

Among the symptoms of delta in children, the main ones observed are:

  • fever,
  • cough.

Loss of taste and smell, gastrointestinal symptoms, or rash are much less common. It should be noted here that the Delta variant is a new, as yet unexplored mutation. Therefore, symptoms specific to this virus variant may only be verified in the future.

Pocovid complications in children

Despite the benign course of Delta coronavirus infection, parents should be mindful of potential pocovid complications that affect children in particular, the manifestations of which may require hospitalization. This refers to PIMS, or polyarticular inflammatory syndrome.

What are the symptoms of pocovid syndrome in children?

Symptoms of pocovid syndrome can appear in various body systems: from gastrointestinal, to respiratory and even neurological. In extreme cases, there may even be shock and multi-organ failure. Disturbing symptoms are:

  • severe abdominal pain,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • coughing,
  • shortness of breath,
  • chest pain
  • blood pressure that is too low or too high,
  • fainting,
  • bleeding without injury,
  • decreased urination,
  • apathy,
  • excessive sleepiness,
  • anorexia,
  • severe headache,
  • rash,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • chapped lips,
  • swelling of the hands and feet.

When do pocovid complications occur in children?

PIMS is an immune response to the COVID virus that appears 2 – 4 weeks after infection, even asymptomatic. Therefore, in case an outbreak of coronavirus has been reported at your child’s school or kindergarten, watch your child closely for the next month. Even though there is no COVID-19 diagnosis.

How do I know it’s Delta and not the flu?

The only way to be sure what your child is sick with is to test for COVID. Fortunately, you don’t have to go with your child to a collection center to get a swab. Test the whole family for coronavirus in your own home. What’s more, at parents’ request, the COVID test in children under 6 can be performed by taking a sample for testing from the throat rather than the nose. This is a more accessible procedure for the little ones. Find out how to test for coronavirus at home.


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