How to recover from coronavirus?

How to recover from coronavirus?

Almost everyone has either gone through COVID-19 themselves or knows someone who has gone through the infection. More than a year after the pandemic began, more and more is known about the disease itself and what can happen after the underlying symptoms subside. We are aware that complications from coronavirus persist for up to several months.

How to recover from SARS-CoV-2?

Symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection usually persist in patients for several to several days. Regardless of whether the course of the disease was exacerbated or mild, post-infection complications called pocovid syndrome can develop. Importantly, these complications are also observed in people who have passed coronavirus asymptomatically.

Pocovid syndrome – symptoms

Patients complain of shortness of breath, reduced exercise tolerance, difficulty catching their breath and markedly reduced respiratory capacity. In addition to respiratory complications, heart rhythm disturbances, brain fog (difficulty concentrating, paying attention, short-term memory and logical thinking) and muscle and joint pains occurring not only during increased exertion, but also during daily activities, such as cleaning or shopping, are also mentioned. All of these symptoms can impair mood and even cause stress.

Patients who have been hospitalized and required intubation are also observed to have problems swallowing liquids and food, as well as voice production.

Management after coronavirus

In the event of the above-mentioned complications, rehabilitation is recommended to be carried out independently or, depending on the patient’s condition, carried out in specialized recovery centers. In such places, rehabilitation is carried out under the guidance of qualified staff and is preceded by a series of examinations. To benefit from it, it is enough to show a positive test result for COVID-19.

Self-relief of shortness of breath involves, among other things, sitting or lying in appropriate positions to reduce respiratory discomfort, as well as controlled breathing, including breathing at a pace.

If you have voice problems (snoring or lowered volume), you should use other forms of communication, such as gesturing or writing, limit your speaking, take breaks while speaking, and sip water in small sips throughout the day. A way to exercise the voice can be silent humming, which does not strain the vocal cords.

If patients have brain fog, quiet physical activity is recommended to speed up brain recovery, training both hemispheres, e.g. doing puzzles, reading, solving crossword puzzles or number puzzles, and if patients have short-term memory problems, making lists or notes.

People who have been intubated for a long time should pay attention to their food and drink intake. It is very important to remain upright both while eating and drinking, and for up to 30 minutes after finishing a meal. It is best to eat more often and less, and take your time to minimize the risk of choking.


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